Gemstone Information


Keywords; Hope, Truth, Honour, Trust, Communication, Harmony, Balance, Calm, Creativity.

Known as the ‘Stone of Hope’; Amazonite is said to bring happiness in to your life by helping you realise your hopes and dreams. Encouraging open-mindedness it will aid all kinds of creativity and boost communication.

In Crystal healing Amazonite is seen as a wonderful healer and is used to sooth and calm the mind. It promotes balance and harmony and turns fear into courage. Physically it may be used to relieve muscle spasms, pain from rheumatism and to treat nervous system disorders.

Amazonite can also be used to treat problems with the Throat and Thyroid gland, as it is a stone for both the Heart and the Throat Chakras.

Historically, the Egyptians saw Amazonite as a symbol of Good Luck and Fertility and would carve it into small amulets for people to carry or wear. It was even found in the tomb of the pharaoh Tutankhamen in the form of jewellery, beads and a carved scarab (symbolising eternity) set into a silver ring.




Keywords; Psychic, Positive, Calm, Peace, Sobriety, Spirit, Balance, Protection, Fidelity.

Birthstone of February and the Zodiac sign Pisces.

Amethyst is said to inspire contentment, promote calm, balance and peace. It is also believed to increase spirituality and to enhance creativity, imagination and intuition. Traditionally associated with St Valentine it has been referred to as the “couple’s stone” and worn as a symbol of fidelity.

In Crystal healing Amethyst is seen as one of the most effective healing gemstones, it calms and soothes in turn reducing stress and any ailments that stress can cause such as headaches and insomnia. Physically it may be used to strengthen the immune system and to reduce pain, bruising and swellings caused by injury. Amethyst has also be used to help treat hearing disorders.

Amethyst is a stone for both the Brow (Third eye) and Crown Chakras balancing both and in tern helping us stay open to new ideas both consciously in daily life and subconsciously through dreams.

Historically Amethyst was used as an Amulet of protection, the ancient Egyptians would wear it to safeguard them when travelling.

It was also called the ‘Sobriety Stone’ and was used to prevent drunkenness and overindulgence by the ancient Greeks and Romans!



Angelite (Blue Anhydrite)

Keywords; Peace, Calm, Tranquillity, Truth, Spirit, Healing, Communication.

Birthstone for the zodiac sign Aquarius.

Angelite is said to bring a sense of inner peace and calm during stressful situations. It can dispel fear, negativity, and anger and encourage forgiveness. It will also promote all forms of communication and helps you to ‘speak your truth’.

In crystal healing Angelite is seen as a powerful stone as it’s peaceful and compassionate energy helps to sooth and alleviate psychological pain and can help to cure stress related disorders. Physically it can be used to aid weight control as it’s believed to balance fluid within the body. It can also be help relieve headaches as well as circulatory disorders.

Angelite can also be used to balance the Thyroid gland, as it is a stone for the Throat Chakra.




Keywords; Motivation, Independence, Creativity, Focus, Communication.

Birthstone for the Zodiac sign Gemini

Apatite is said to enhance creativity by helping you to concentrate and think clearly. It helps overcome self-consciousness, promote openness and enhance motivation by encouraging a positive outlook on life.

In crystal healing Apatite is believed to draw off negativity either about yourself or others. It is used to clear confusion and frustration and to reduce irritability. It can be helpful for easing hyperactivity in children. Physically it is thought to aid the absorption of minerals such as calcium which could improve joint problems and conditions like arthritis.

Yellow Apatite is a stone for the Solar Plexus Chakra and so is believed to aid poor digestion.

Blue Apatite is a stone for the Throat Chakra and so can be helpful for Throat and Thyroid conditions.

Green Apatite is a stone for the Heart Chakra is thought to enhance the healing effects of other crystals.




Keywords; Calm, Cleanse, Relax, Trust, Luck, Love, Commitment, Fidelity

Birthstone of March

Aquamarine is said to bring inner peace, courage and hope by encouraging clarity of thought. It is also used to calm the nerves and dispel fear and phobias.

Aquamarine is also said to encourage harmony, commitment and fidelity in relationships, it was traditionally used in engagement and eternity rings long before diamonds became popular!

In crystal healing Aquamarine is believed to reduce stress also to aid the release of anger and negative behaviour patterns which can lead to positive changes in life. Physically it is thought to help heal issues of the throat, thyroid and pituitary glands, as well as calming an overactive immune system. It has also been used to balance fluid in the body because of its ancient associations with water.

Aquamarine is a stone of the Throat Chakra and so can be helpful for Throat and Thyroid conditions.

Historically Aquamarine was thought to be able to purify water and in Ancient Rome goblets were crafted from the gem for this purpose. It was also believed to promote safe travel over water and to protect against drowning by Sailors and Fishermen who would carry a piece of the stone with them.



Keywords; Transformation, Unconditional love, Cleansing, Self-esteem, Inspiration

Known as the ‘Stone of Transformation’ Charoite is said to help you to open your heart and mind to universal love and encourage inspiration by cleansing negative emotions and changing it into positive energy.

In crystal healing Charoite is thought to help you release fear, let go and move forward in life. It is also thought to reduce stress and anxiety. Physically it can be used to help regulate blood pressure and relieve migraines, headaches and other aches and pains. It is also believed to help overcome exhaustion and aid sleep problems.

Charoite is a stone for the Third Eye Chakra.

Charoite was discovered in the 1940’s and so has no historical associations.


Clear Quartz

Keywords; Harmony, Clarity, Energy, Healing, Power

Alternative Birthstone for April

Commonly known as ‘Rock Crystal’ Clear Quartz is thought to encourage a positive approach to life and open the mind and heart by neutralising negativity as it can absorb, store, amplify and transform energy; the same properties that have made it popular in the world of technology.

In crystal healing Clear Quartz is believed to be a Master healing crystal and can be used for any condition. Its ability to amplify energy can be harnessed to enhance the benefits of other crystals. Physically it’s thought to stimulate the immune and circulatory systems and to energise the body in general, perfect for treating tiredness and exhaustion.

Clear Quartz is a stone for the Crown Chakra but can be used to harmonise all the Chakras.

Historically Clear Quartz has been revered by almost all ancient civilisations. From Roman times until the medieval period in Europe it was used to reduce swelling, pain and even fever if held against the tongue. In Oriental cultures it was seen as a symbol of purity and patience. In Ancient American cultures it was believed to be a living being and would even be presented with ritual offerings.




Keywords; Purity, Love, Fidelity, Wealth, Strength, Clarity, Truth, Abundance, Protection.

Birthstone of April and the zodiac sign Aries.

Diamond has long been seen as a symbol of wealth and prosperity, and is said to attract positivity allowing the wearer to manifest abundance into their lives.

Diamond is also said to bond relationships and enhance love, it encourages longevity, honesty and harmony between people which is why it’s as popular as a symbol of commitment.

In crystal healing Diamond is considered a ‘Master healer’ and is believed to boost strength and fortitude, reduce fear and clear emotional pain. Physically it’s thought to purify the body as a whole, rebalancing the metabolism, boosting immunity and stimulating cell growth. As a ‘Master healer’ it can amplify the energy of other gemstones and so can be used for many ailments in conjunction with other crystals.

Diamond is a stone of the Crown Chakra but can be used to harmonise all the Chakras.

Historically Diamond was believed to bring power, riches and good fortune as well as protection to the wearer. It was traditionally worn against the skin to bring courage and evoke invulnerability. During the Middle Ages in Europe it was thought of as an antidote for all poisons if worn in a ring. It was also widely believed to be of most benefit when received as a gift rather than bought for oneself.



Keywords; Peace, Clarity, Expression, Courage, Creativity

Dumortierite is said to aid creativity and communication by encouraging self discipline and organization which in tern brings a sense of clarity and order allowing you to express yourself more clearly. It is also said to help you take control of you life by boosting your self confidence and encouraging mindful assertiveness.

In crystal healing Dumortierite is thought to help reduce stress, bringing feelings of peace, happiness and harmony and help lift depression. It is also thought to increase stamina. Physically it can be used to help calm any kind of overstimulation such as hyperactivity or overactive thyroid disorders, as well as ease headaches and tension. It can also be used to help with weight loss problems because of its capacity to encourage self discipline.

Dumortierite is a stone for both the Throat and Third Eye Chakras



Keywords; Truth, Protection, Harmony, Cleansing, Dream, Clarity

Birthstone for the zodiac sign Pisces

Fluorite is thought to increase concentration and organisation by absorbing and neutralising negativity. It is also said to aid creativity by encouraging positivity and helping to open the mind to new possibilities.

In crystal healing Fluorite is believed to clear confusion and calm fears and anxiety. It can also be used to help someone to focus and stay calm in stressful situations. Physically it’s thought to boost the immune system and reduce pain and inflammation caused by arthritis and bone injuries as it believed to strengthen teeth and bone. It has also be used to improve the discomfort caused by nerve related pain.

Blue Fluorite is a stone of the Throat Chakra and so can be used to calm emotion and aid communication.

Green Fluorite is a stone of the Heart Chakra and so can be used to balance hormones.

Purple Fluorite is a stone of the Third Eye Chakra and so can be used to boost intuition.

Historically Fluorite was carved into figurines, deity statues and amulets by many Ancient civilisations as it was believed to be magical and home to captured rainbows.

Purple Fluorite was believed by the Ancient Chinese to offer protection from evil spirits.




Keywords; Love, Passion, Romance, Intimacy, Positive, Success, Inspiration

Birthstone of January and for the Zodiac sign Aquarius

Garnet is thought to inspire creativity and bring hope and courage by opening the heart, removing inhibitions and boosting self confidence.

Red Garnet has long been called the ‘Stone of Commitment’; it represents love and passion and is said to inspire devotion in relationships.

In crystal healing Garnet is believed to encourage positivity and relieve feelings of depression. It can be used to overcome feelings of helplessness in times of crisis. Physically it’s thought to boost the immune system, stimulate the metabolism and aid circulation. It is also believed to reduce body toxins and help to purify the blood.

Garnet is a stone of the Base Chakra.

Historically Garnet was seen as a talisman of protection and was worn by warriors from many civilisations to keep them from harm, including both Muslim and Christian soldiers during the Crusades.

Garnet has also been revered as a sacred stone by early Native American, South American and African tribes who believed it to contain a flash of lightning.



Hematite (or Haematite)

Keywords; Stability, Focus, Balance, Courage, Protection, Confidence

Hematite is thought to balance energy and aid concentration and confidence by absorbing and dissolving negativity keeping the wearer grounded and able to focus. It is also thought to reduce stress and encourage positive communication.

In crystal healing Hematite is believed to focus energy and emotions helping to create a better balance of mind, body & spirit. Physically it’s thought to improve the blood supply, stimulate the absorption of minerals such as iron and boost red blood cell production. It can also be used to treat anxiety and insomnia.

In its magnetic form Hematite is believed to help conditions such as back pain, rheumatism and arthritis.

Hematite is a stone of the Base chakra

Historically Hematite was called ‘Blood Stone’ and was used as an amulet to protect the wearer from injury and bleeding. In early Native American culture it would be ground into face paint and believed to make the wearer invincible in battle.




Keywords; Relax, Nurture, Healing, Compassion, Completion

Jasper is thought to encourage tranquillity and bring calm to stressful situations by absorbing and providing protection against negative energy. It is known as a ‘Supreme Nurturer’ and is thought to provide balance, comfort and support.

In crystal healing Jasper has many varieties which all have specific uses. In general it is believed to encourage self discipline and increase strength and vitality particularly during the healing of injury or long illnesses. Physically it’s thought to slow down tissue deterioration and aid the absorption of minerals within the body.

Dalmatian Jasper is known to be protective and healing, it encourages playfulness and counteracts cynicism.

Ocean Jasper is sometimes called ‘Atlantis Stone’ and is believed to help develop empathy.

Rainbow Jasper, also called Fancy Jasper, is believed to calm an overactive mind and help organise thoughts.

Sesame Jasper can bring tranquillity and is thought to help unify all aspects of your life.

Jasper is a stone for the Base Chakra.

Historically Jasper has been worn to protect against evil.

Jasper Amulets carved with inscriptions from the Book of the Dead have been found in Ancient Egyptian tombs and are thought to have been placed there to ensure safe passage in the after life.

Native American peoples called Jasper ‘the rain bringer’ and in Europe it was used to dowse for water.



Keywords; unconditional love, tolerance, peace, creativity, expression, positivity

Kunzite is said to bring abundance and unconditional love into your life by helping you to remove protective walls around your heart and encouraging you to stay open and receptive to life’s positive experiences.

In crystal healing Kunzite is thought to bring you peace by calming anxiety and encouraging you to let go of fear and past hurts. Physically it can be used to help treat hormonal caused symptoms, such as PMS, fertility problems and hormone triggered migraines. It is also believed to strengthen the circulatory system and can help sooth neuralgia and joint pain.

Kunzite is a stone for the Heart Chakra

Kunzite was discovered in the 20th Century and so has no Historical associations.




Keywords; Protection, Strength, Calm, Transformation, Positivity

Labradorite is thought to banish insecurity by calming the mind, strengthening intuition and revealing the truth of a situation. It is also thought to encourage faith in oneself and trust in the universal energy.

In Crystal healing Labradorite is believed to facilitate change by reducing stress and anxiety, encouraging positive thought patterns and bringing about a renewed sense of joy and adventure. Physically it’s thought to regulate the metabolism, balance hormones and help relieve menstrual symptoms. It can also be used to help in the treatment of respiratory problems.

Labradorite is a stone for the Throat Chakra

Historically Labradorite was believed to be a stone of magic and transformation. The Native Inuit peoples of North America called it ‘Firestone’ and believed it to have fallen from the Aurora Borealis.



Lapis Lazuli

Keywords; Truth, Love, Confidence, Manifestation, Cleanse, Fidelity

Birthstone of September

Lapis Lazuli is thought to help relieve stress and bring inner peace by encouraging self awareness and open honest communication. It is also thought to help bond relationships and to enhance love and fidelity within a marriage.

In crystal healing Lapis Lazuli is believed to strengthen the mind and build confidence, allowing the wearer to recover from past trauma or depression and begin to feel hope. It is also believed to calm an overactive mind, lessening confusion and increasing focus and organisation. Physically it’s thought to help the circulation, improve heart function and lower blood pressure. It is also thought to help relieve inflammation and general pain including migraine.

Lapis Lazuli is a stone for the Throat Chakra and so can also be used to help throat and thyroid conditions.

Historically Lapis Lazuli has been one of the most sought after gemstones and it has been prized as a symbol of royalty and power.

It was used in Ancient Egypt as an amulet of protection from evil and scarabs carved from Lapis Lazuli would be placed in tombs with a body to protect them in the afterlife too.

In the Middle East Lapis Lazuli has been widely used to protect against the evil eye.

In Buddhism Lapis Lazuli is believed to bring inner peace and freedom from negative thought.

In Ancient Greece it was revered as the stone of the Goddess Hera, Queen of the Gods and Goddess of Marriage.




Keywords; Mystery, Love, Hope, Happiness, Abundance, Wisdom

Birthstone of June and the zodiac sign Cancer

Moonstone is thought to uplift the spirit, allowing you to see the future filled with hope and happiness by stabilising emotions, soothing stress and encouraging an open heart and mind. A wonderful stone for new beginnings Moonstone also promotes good fortune in love and life.

Moonstone is Sacred in India and is traditionally given as a wedding gift.

In Crystal healing Moonstone is believed to calm and soothe, reducing stress and helping with sleep problems like insomnia. Physically it’s thought to aid the digestive system, both the absorption of nutrients and elimination of toxins, as well as help skin, hair and eye conditions. It is also believed to balance hormones, enhance fertility and promote healthy pregnancy and easier childbirth.

Moonstone is a stone for the Crown Chakra.

Historically Moonstone has been used as an amulet to protect travellers, especially people who would be travelling at night.

In Ancient Oriental cultures Moonstone was used as a talisman to bring the wearer good fortune, especially if worn on a Monday.

In India Moonstone was and still is considered sacred; it is believed to bring good fortune especially to lovers. It is only ever displayed for sale on a yellow cloth as yellow is a sacred colour there too.




Keywords; Love, Peace, Joy, Equality, Abundance

Birthstone of the Zodiac sign Libra

Known as the stone of Divine Love, Morganite is thought to attract love and abundance into your life by inspiring hope and joy, allowing you to become more open, receptive and more able to move forward in life.

In crystal healing Morganite is a supportive stone, it reduces stress and relieves self-inflicted pressure to succeed. It can also be used to release fear and overcome unnecessary defence mechanisms which could be blocking your ability to receive love from others. Physically it can be used to help ease the symptoms of asthma and emphysema, to counter palpitations and treat disorders of the nervous system. Morganite can also be used to relieve many stress related illnesses.

Morganite is a stone for the Heart Chakra.




Keywords; Protection, Strength, Stamina, Confidence

Birthstone of the Zodiac sign Leo

Onyx is thought to encourage happiness, good fortune and positivity by absorbing and transforming negative energy, alleviating worry and boosting self-confidence.

In crystal healing Onyx is believed to reduce stress, clear confusion and banish grief. Black Onyx is also believed to increase inner strength and so can also be used to help heal old emotional wounds. Physically it can be used to help the treatment of bone disorders, as well as problems with the feet, teeth and blood. It is also believed to aid the treatment of epilepsy.

Onyx is a stone for the Base Chakra.

Historically Onyx has been used as an amulet of protection both by warriors in battle and by travellers, especially if travelling by night. In the time of the Persian Empire it was worn to protect against the evil eye.




Keywords; Love, Peace, Loyalty, Serenity, Support, Honesty, Creativity, Freedom

Birthstone for October.

Opal is thought to help you to become more positive, loving and creative by easing stress and negativity and promoting a sense of serenity, allowing you to think clearly and turn your dreams, hopes and wishes into reality.

Opal is also a stone associated with Love, passion, desire and seduction; it is thought to intensify feelings and release inhibitions. (So be careful what you wish for!)

In crystal healing Opal is believed to help release anger encourages emotional healing bringing a greater feeling of relief and freedom. It is also believed to boost the memory. Physically it can be used to help with the treatment of infections and fever. It is also thought to help regulate insulin production.

Traditionally an Opal placed on the navel of an expectant mother will ease pain during childbirth.

Opal is a stone for the Crown Chakra.

Historically Opal has been seen as magical by many early cultures as they believed them to hold rainbows inside the stones themselves.

In the Middle Ages Opal was known as the Eye Stone and it was believed to cure all diseases of the eye, to strengthen eyesight and even to sharpen ‘second sight’ in the wearer.

During the Crusades it’s said that soldiers were given Opals as talismans to bring them good fortune.

In the late 19th and early 20th century Opals gained a reputation as a stone of misfortune, however this story seems to have been a marketing ploy invented by diamond producers who feared loosing money if the Opal became more popular!

Purple Opal (also called Violet Flame Opal) is a stone of tranquillity and spirituality. It encourages spiritual awareness and strengthens intuition.




Keywords; Purity, Honesty, Tranquillity, Love, Innocence, Fertility

Birthstone for June and for the Zodiac sign Gemini.

Pearls are thought to help you to find your ‘true life path’ by helping you open up to the inspiration around you and to think more clearly.

Pearls are often used in Bridal jewellery because of their association with honesty, purity and love; they are a symbol of a happy marriage and Hindu wedding ceremonies even feature a special pearl ritual.

In crystal healing Pearls are believed to be especially soothing and are used to calm the nerves reducing stress and anxiety. Physically Pearls can be used to help treat digestive disorders, reduce bloating, strengthen the adrenal glands and balance hormones. It is also thought that Pearls can help to boost fertility and ease childbirth.

Historically Pearls have been prized by many cultures. The Ancient Greeks believed that a bride wearing pearls would have a happy wedding day and a life of wedded bliss. They have also been used in Asian medicine for centuries to treat a variety of ailments and disorders.

Certain colour Pearls have additional meanings;

White Pearls promote Good Health

Black Pearls bring Good Luck

Cream Pearls increase Success

Gold coloured Pearls bring Good Fortune

Lavender Pearls symbolise Love

Pink coloured Pearls bring Happiness



Peridot (Also known as Olivine)

Keywords; Healing, Rebirth, Growth, Confidence, Prosperity, Protection

Birthstone of August

Peridot is thought to transform your life and help you to create the life of your dreams by healing past hurt and encouraging you to let go of guilt, forgive yourself for past mistakes and move on to a brighter future.

Peridot is also thought to attract wealth and abundance into your life by boosting creativity and confidence in your own ability.

In crystal healing Peridot is believed to reduce stress, nervousness, anxiety and fear, especially fears caused by past trauma. It can also give you more energy counteracting the effects of overwork and exhaustion. Physically it can be used to strengthen the immune system, adrenal glands and boost the metabolism. It can also be used to support the treatment of digestive disorders.

Peridot is a stone for the Heart Chakra

Historically Peridot has been used as an amulet of protection by many civilisations, the Ancient Egyptians believed that it would protect the wearer from evil spirits and magic, it is in fact still classed as the national gem of Egypt. Early Christians believed Peridot to be sacred and it is still worn by Bishops of the Catholic Church.




Keywords; Calm, Confidence, Gratitude, Diplomacy, Compassion, Nurturing

Rhodonite is thought to attract and enhance love by balancing emotions, clearing away wounds from the past and encouraging positivity and an open heart. It is also thought to aid self-esteem and self-confidence.

In crystal healing Rhodonite is believed to calm the nerves, its nurturing energy making it a good stone to choose when someone is suffering from panic attacks or general anxiety. Physically it can be used to help with the treatment of stomach ulcers and auto immune disorders, as well as ease inflammation in the joints caused by arthritis. Rhodonite is also considered a ‘first aid stone’ and has been used to heal injuries, cuts and wounds, as well as relieve insect bites and stings.

Rhodonite is a stone for the Heart Chakra.

Historically Rhodonite has been used as a protective stone. In Russia, where it was first discovered in the 18th century, it was called ‘the Eagle stone’ as small pieces of the stone would be found in nests, it became a tradition in that area to give gifts of the gem to babies to sooth them in their cradles.



Rose Quartz

Keywords; Unconditional Love, Romance, Kindness, Peace, Marriage, Healing, Harmony, Beauty.

Birthstone for January and the Zodiac sign Cancer (as alternatives to Garnet and Ruby)

Known as the ‘Heart Stone’, Rose Quartz is thought to attract universal and unconditional love into your life by encouraging an open heart and open mind as well as offering support while you let down unnecessary barriers. It is also thought to inspire the love of beauty, stimulating the imagination and creativity.

In crystal healing Rose Quartz is believed to calm and sooth stress and anxiety; it helps to comfort and heal old emotional wounds, opening the heart and encouraging inner peace. Physically it can be used to aid the treatment of heart conditions and the circulatory system, relieving palpitations, stabilising an irregular heart rhythm and lower high blood pressure. It can also be used to help improve kidney function and detox the body of impurities. Rose Quartz is also believed to increase fertility and reduce problems during pregnancy and childbirth.

Rose Quartz is a stone for the Heart Chakra

Historically Rose Quartz has been associated with love and beauty throughout the centuries, evidence suggests its use as a love token as early as 600 B.C.E.

In Ancient Egypt it was believed to have powers of beautification, facial masks carved from the gemstone have been found in Egyptian tombs. The Romans also believed it could clear the complexion and prevent wrinkles!



Ruby in Zoisite (Anyolite)

Keywords; Healing, Self-Esteem, Passion, Harmony, Fertility, Vitality

Ruby in Zoisite (also called Anyolite) is a combination gemstone containing both Ruby and Zoisite energies and is thought to encourage individuality by boosting self esteem, stimulating creativity and helping you to focus on your own goals without becoming too selfish. It’s also believed to instil joy, spontaneity, courage and passion for life!

In crystal healing Ruby in Zoisite is believed to balance energy and mood, making you more positive, happy and energetic. Physically it can be used to aid the treatment of heart conditions and improve circulation. It can also be used to relieve inflammation and strengthen the immune system. It is also believed to help heal disorders of the reproductive system in both Men and Women, enhancing fertility.

Ruby in Zoisite is a stone for both the Heart & Base Chakra.




Keywords; Devotion, Passion, Prosperity, Courage, Inspiration, Energy, Commitment.

Birthstone for July

Ruby is thought to increase prosperity by encouraging creativity, motivation and courage; as well as instilling confidence in your abilities and renewing your zest for life which all helps you to move forward and reach previously unobtainable goals.

Traditionally Ruby has been associated with love, romance and marriage and is said to bring passion, happiness and devotion to a relationship.

In crystal healing Ruby is believed to encourage positivity and self-love and is thought to be of help to people with negative body image, overcoming beliefs of being ugly, overweight or unloved. It is also believed to reduce lethargy and emotional exhaustion. Physically it can be used to help strengthen the heart, improve the circulation and balance blood pressure. It is also thought to be useful when you need to detox as it can help to stimulate the kidneys.

It is also believed to help menstrual problems, boost fertility and help during pregnancy, especially for older women.

Ruby is a stone for the Base Chakra

Historically Ruby has been considered the most precious of gemstones often worn by the Nobility and seen as a powerful symbol of the Sun. In Ancient Burma it was believed that wearing Ruby would protect you from wounds and up until the middle Ages in many cultures it was believed to protect the wearer from pestilence and plague.

Throughout history Ruby has been considered a perfect wedding gemstones because of their association with love, marriage, balance and loyalty. The Ancient Egyptians honoured Ruby for beauty and love, protection and good fortune, and Eastern cultures considered Ruby a spiritual stone representing the beauty of the soul.



Smokey Quartz

Keywords; Serenity, Stability, Intuition, Pride, Creativity, Power

Smokey Quartz is thought to help you to manifest your dreams and ideas into reality by warding off negative thinking and promoting rational thought, good organisation and clear communication. It is also thought to shield against hostility and resentment which could drain your energy and enthusiasm for life.

In crystal healing Smokey Quartz is believed to gently eliminate negativity, fear and anxiety, as well as lift depression and relieve stress. Physically it can be used for helping to heal disorders of the kidneys, pancreas and adrenal system. It is also thought to be useful for relieving back pain, headaches and muscle spasms as well as regulating body fluid, aiding detox and the absorption of vitamins and minerals.

Smokey Quartz is also believed to be of benefit to anyone suffering from fertility problems.

Smokey Quartz is a stone for the Base Chakra.

Historically Smokey Quartz has been used as an amulet of protection. It has been used by Native North American tribes during ceremonies to provide stability and protection and in Northern Europe it was made into crosses and fixed to bedroom walls at night to keep evil away.

Known as the ‘Stone of Power’, Smokey Quartz is the national gemstone of Scotland, and was sacred to the Ancient Druids of the area who believed it to be a powerful protection amulet invoking the power of Mother Earth.



Snowflake Obsidian.

Keywords; Balance, Transformation, Metamorphosis, Manifestation, Purity.

Birthstone for the Zodiac sign Virgo

Snowflake Obsidian is thought to help you to positively transform your life by keeping you centred, focused and by removing negative energy and emotions which can block change. It is also thought to encourage you to examine your past in a balanced way, bringing both successes and mistakes to the surface gently so that they can be learned from.

In crystal healing Snowflake Obsidian is believed to calm and sooth the mind as well as remove negative emotions such as anger, jealousy and resentment. Physically it can be used to help improve the circulation and alleviate joint and muscle pain. It is also believed to help reverse the hardening of the arteries.

Snowflake Obsidian is a stone for the Base Chakra




Keywords; Clarity, Truth, Balance, Logic, Perception

Birthstone for the zodiac sign Sagittarius

Sodalite is thought to heal relationships and end disagreements by promoting calm, clear, open, rational and honest communication. It allows you to understand others and become less critical of the things that others say or do.

In crystal healing Sodalite is believed to reduce tension, soothe stress and anxiety it can also be used to calm panic attacks bringing emotional balance. Physically it is believed to help boost the immune system, lower blood pressure and help cleanse the body. Sodalite is also thought to prevent insomnia.

Sodalite is a stone for the Throat Chakra and so can also be used to help treat Thyroid problems.

Historically Sodalite has been known as a stone for Creativity as it was believed to be able to encourage and inspire artists, writers and sculptors.



Spinel (Red)

Keywords; Energy, Vitality, Abundance, Prosperity, Confidence

Alternative birthstone for Scorpio

Spinel is thought to attract wealth and abundance into your life by encouraging you to think positively, clearly and creatively, allowing you to spot opportunities and even create them yourself. It is also thought to give fresh energy to any activity.

In crystal healing Spinel is believed to reduce stress and anxiety, relieve depression and reduce forgetfulness. Physically it is used to help increase energy and vitality, and is thought to be useful in helping to heal any disorders of the joints, bones & muscles.

Spinel is a stone of the Base Chakra

Historically Spinel has been mistaken for many other gemstones, some famous ‘Rubies’ have been discovered to actually be misidentified red Spinel, even including stones in the current Crown jewels!



Keywords; Awareness, Spirituality, Connection, Love, Positivity, Intuition

Sugilite is said to help you to discover your true life path and manifest your dreams by enhancing spiritual development and encouraging positivity, Intuition and self belief. It is also believed to help open your heart to spiritual love.

In crystal healing Sugilite is thought to help balance the body and mind which in tern can help any symptoms caused by stress and anxiety. It is also thought to help relieve any emotional or psychological disorders, lending support to those who find social situations difficult and reducing grief, sorrow, disappointment and feelings of hopelessness. Physically it can be used to help relieve pain, especially headaches and joint pain and can also be used to reduce inflammation.

Sugilite is a stone for both the Third Eye and Crown Chakras.

Sugilite was only discovered in 1944 and so has no historical associations.




Keywords; Joy, Abundance, Luck, Positivity, Warmth, Freedom, Sensuality, Originality

Alternative Birthstone for the Zodiac sign Leo

Sunstone is thought to bring light, warmth and joy into your life. It inspires originality, creativity and empowerment, helps you to overcome fears and self doubts whilst encouraging you to go your own way. Sunstone is also thought to be very lucky and can attract fame and prosperity.

In crystal healing Sunstone is believed to balance emotions and overcome feelings of abandonment and low self worth, it encourages optimism and is thought to work well as an antidepressant. Physically it can be used to help boost the metabolism, treat stomach and digestive disorders and increase energy levels in general.

Sunstone is a stone for both the Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras.

Historically Sunstone has been believed to be a powerful protector; In Ancient India it was thought to protect the wearer from negativity and destruction and in Ancient Greece it was believed to bring life and abundance. It was also thought that if you drank from a goblet made of Sunstone you would acquire great strength and be protected from poison.



Tiger’s Eye

Keywords; Protection, Power, Courage, Empowerment, Willpower, Prosperity

Alternative Birthstone for the Zodiac sign Leo

Tiger’s Eye is thought to be able to help you resolve problems and make necessary changes by giving you clarity of vision and strengthening your will, allowing you to see the whole of the situation and encouraging good judgement. It is also thought to inspire creativity and attract prosperity and good luck.

Blue Tiger’s Eye, also called Hawk's Eye, is thought to aid communication. It is also a stone of intuition and insight and is said to bring good luck to one who wears or carries it.

In crystal healing Tiger’s Eye is believed to release tension, dispel fear and alleviate anxiety giving you calm and emotional stability. Physically it is believed to help restore balance to the body, increase strength and vitality, boost the endocrine system and could stimulate fertility. It can also be used to help treat eye and throat disorders and alleviate bone pain.

Tiger’s Eye is a stone for both the Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras.

Blue Tiger’s Eye is a stone for the Throat Chakra.

Historically Tiger’s Eye has been used as an amulet against the evil eye, curses and bad luck. Roman soldiers carried it into battle and believed it to deflect weapons and the Ancient Egyptians believed it to offer the protection of the Sun god Ra and Geb god of the earth combined.




Keywords; Love, Attraction, Good Fortune, Communication, Health

Birthstone for November and the Zodiac sign Scorpio

Topaz is known as a stone of love and good fortune; it is thought to encourage success and bring joy, abundance and good health into your life, as well as help you to attract the right people whether for business, friendship or love. It is also believed to promote honesty and fidelity and to strengthen existing relationships.

Blue Topaz is an excellent stone for writers, especially if you have writers block, as it is believed to aid communication, helping you to express yourself clearly and is also thought to inspire creativity.

Pink Topaz encourages hope, honesty, integrity and openness and brings good fortune in matters of the heart. It is believed to protect against obsession and help attract genuine love.

Imperial Topaz is believed to give you the ability to manifest your desires, it is a stone of creativity and intention, generating abundance and increasing your confidence and self worth.

Mauve Topaz is believed to be highly spiritual and can attract abundance into your life, it is also thought to protect you from attracting the wrong person into your life.

In crystal healing Topaz is believed to heal and stabilise the emotions, releasing tension and calming fear. It is also useful in treating stress related disorders. Physically it is believed to aid digestion, stimulate the metabolism and balance the nervous system.

In addition to general Topaz uses, Blue Topaz can be used to relieve headaches, migraines, eye strain and lock jaw, it can also assist reducing blood pressure if too high.

In addition to general Topaz uses, Imperial Topaz can be used to recharge the body, overcome nervous exhaustion, improve blood circulation, and relieve issues with cold feet. It may also be used in treatment for disorders of the liver, gall bladder and endocrine glands. It is a great aid for fighting depression and improving brain function, and may be beneficial for the elderly alongside treatments for dementia.

Blue Topaz is a stone for the Throat Chakra

Imperial Topaz is a stone for the Sacral Chakra

Historically Topaz was believed to harness the power of the sun. To the Egyptians, it symbolized Ra, the sun god, giver of life and fertility and was an extremely powerful energy stone. The ancient Greeks and Romans believed that it had the power to increase strength and prevent injury and linked it to Apollo and Jupiter their own solar deities.

In India it was believed to protect homes from fire, and worn above the heart would assure long life, beauty, and intelligence.




Keywords; Balance, Transformation, Happiness, Love, Tolerance, Compassion

Birthstone for October and the Zodiac sign Libra

Tourmaline is thought to help you to move beyond your self imposed limits by encouraging creativity and inspiration, and promoting self confidence. It helps you to see past experiences in new ways, so that you’re able to learn from them without fear or self judgement. Tourmaline is also thought to balance both right & left sides of the brain and male & female energies, promoting tolerance and compassion.

Pink Tourmaline (also known as Rubelite) is associated with love and matters of the heart, it helps stimulate feelings of joy, happiness and love as well as encourage devotion. It is also thought to be the best stone to heal old emotional wounds.

Green Tourmaline is thought to attract luck, success, abundance and prosperity. It inspires creativity, and may also be used to help identify and manifest your goals.

Blue Tourmaline is thought to promote a calming effect, and offer relief from stress. It brings joy and happiness and promotes harmony, tolerance and kindness. It also aids communication and can help you release emotional stress, allowing you move on from the past.

Watermelon Tourmaline is thought to have a combination of the energies of pink and green Tourmaline and so will have the benefits of both. It is considered the stone of Joy and brings positive energy to your life.

In crystal healing Tourmaline is believed to balance and enhance energy, remove negativity and help overcome fear, resentments and obsessions. Physically it is believed to be especially good for the nervous system, as well as helping to ease headaches, neuralgia and back pain.

In addition to general Tourmaline uses, Pink Tourmaline is believed to help release stress, worry and anxiety and also ease depression. Physically is can be used to help heal the heart by easing angina pain, regulating the heartbeat and aiding recovery from heart attack. It is also believed to be beneficial in treating all gynaecological conditions, especially regulating the menstrual cycle.

In addition to general Tourmaline uses, Green Tourmaline is believed to relieve chronic fatigue and exhaustion, as well as strengthen the immune and nervous systems. It is also believed to be a useful detoxifier for treating the intestines and chronic bowel diseases, and may be useful in weight loss.

In addition to general Tourmaline uses, Blue Tourmaline is believed to help diagnose the cause of an illness. It can also be used to help treat disorders of the throat and thyroid.

Pink, Green and Watermelon Tourmaline are all stones for the Heart Chakra and Blue Tourmaline is a stone for the Throat Chakra

Historically Tourmaline was believed to bring healing powers to the user and provide protection from all dangers by the tribes of Africa, America and Australasia. Ancient ceremonies in India used Tourmaline to bring insight and help discover the cause of trouble.    




Keywords; Serenity, Protection, Wisdom, Love, Friendship, Strength, Purity

Birthstone for December and the zodiac sign Sagittarius

Turquoise is thought to attract abundance by promoting self-realisation, inner wisdom and positivity as well as encourage creative thinking and problem solving. It is also thought to dispel negative energy and can be worn to protect against outside influences or pollutants in the atmosphere.

In many cultures it is a symbol of friendship, and is also believed to stimulate romantic love.

In crystal healing Turquoise is believed to balance the emotions, stabilising mood swings, and instilling inner calm making it excellent for depression and exhaustion. It can also help prevent panic attacks. Physically Turquoise is believed to have both detoxifying and anti inflammatory properties, it also aids the absorption of vitamins and minerals which helps boost the immune system. It is also thought to help sooth and cure sore throats.

Historically Turquoise has been seen as sacred to many civilisations, being prized as a stone of protection, power and luck. The Ancient Egyptians mined Turquoise as long ago as 3200 BCE and used it to decorate tombs to symbolise the wealth and power of the individual, it is believed to have been mined as far back as 5000 BCE in the Middle East.

Ancient South American and Native North American nations from Argentina to New Mexico have mined and fashioned Turquoise for over a thousand years, using it as a protective amulet to guard their burial sites. It was also worn in ceremonies when calling upon the great sky spirit, and was honoured as the universal stone by Shamans who believed they would become one with the universe when wearing it.

The Apache believed it would aid the warrior or hunter, if the Turquoise was attached to a gun or bow the shot would always hit the target.

The Zuni believed Turquoise would protect them from Evil and the Navajo gave it as a symbol of friendship.

Turquoise is a stone for the Heart, Throat and Third Eye Chakras




Please remember that the crystal healing information is only meant as a spiritual support to healing and is not a prescription or cure.